Ascension parish sheriff moses black
Ascension parish sheriff moses black

When a CCh is encountered the radio will stop and generally hold on it displaying the type of system, the System ID and Site ID it will also jump to the Voice Channels as channel grants are given. Try this, set up a Custom Search using the upper & lower limits of the various frequencies that the Ascension system uses (maybe a little wider), set that search for CCh Only and then execute the search. Another possibility is that you have started using a specific frequency for MDT's or that they are using a specific TG for MDT's (since when this is the case the streams tend to stay pretty steady, they seldom leave one channel grant for another so it seems they stay on one) and of course you can't decipher them nor does the radio recognize it as anything it can identify. Have you seen this happen? Another possibility is that indeed Ascension is moving to a P25 system (either LATIE or their own) and what you are hearing and not receiving is the P25 CCh, which would sound decidedly different from the Moto Type II CCh you have been used to hearing. On the 369T, if (while scanning the system) you are sent to an encrypted TG, the radio should display "ENC" and then resume scanning. There is no such thing as a "digital frequency", any frequency used can carry a digital stream indeed the control channel for the system is a digital stream.

Ascension parish sheriff moses black